It’s been awhile since my last post. Most of my online time gets taken up by epZ, the ephotozine community where I try out ideas and get constructive feedback. However, since my blog is more personal and has a creative versatility about it, I’m back!

News: My partner and I joined the local Art Society. The upshot of this is that we’ll participate in some exhibitions over the next few months. It’s very exciting! My ultimate goal is to have my hobby support itself, so exposure to the public has to happen.

At the end of the month I’m spending a week caving in West Virginia. This used to be an annual trek in my university days, but it has been some years since I last squeezed so far inside the earth. I’m hoping to write about it tho, as well as capture some images, so stay tuned for that!

Also a surprising series developed out of a non-descript photo I had posted from Florida. It got me thinking along a train of thought and before I knew what happened the Hapless Photographer was born. Anyway, the first shot in the series is here. I’ll be posting the whole lot on the blog eventually, but I’m also trying to put together a booklet of the shots, including how I made them, on So once that’s finished they can be purchased for a modest fee and a hardcopy sent directly to you.

January 13, 2006 – A heavy mist this morning, so I took a walk down by the ponds. Nothing transforms a familiar landscape like light and fog.

I framed this one up as an 11×14 and will show it locally to see what the reaction is. Personally it’s one of my favourite shots.

These shots also give you an idea of how very strange the weather was in Canada this winter. The national weather service called it the warmest on record. Winters this warm should only occur once every 100 years. Is it a sign of global warmings inexorable march or were we just due?

This also emphasizes a point I like to make about when to shoot. A lot of people put their equipment away when the weather is anything other than sunny and bright. But it’s when it’s raining that the colours are saturated and rich. When it’s foggy, pictures so much more easily convey depth and distance, even mystery. At night your shots can become sureallistic surprises of light and colour.

Happy shooting!